Micro View of Allium

Micro View of Allium


Jeango 2/4/2021, 6:10:07 PM

👉 next.config.js 配置脚本


module.exports = {
  env: {
    customKey: 'my-value',


function Page() {
  return <h1>The value of customKey is: {process.env.customKey}</h1>

export default Page

要将应用配置在子目录中运行,请使用 basePath 指定。

module.exports = {
  basePath: '/docs',

在使用 next/linknext/router 组件的情况下,basePath 设置会自动更新。比如以下例子的 /about 会自动更新为/docs/about

export default function HomePage() {
  return (
      <Link href="/about">
        <a>About Page</a>


为 CDN 配置资源的路径前缀:

const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

module.exports = {
  // Use the CDN in production and localhost for development.
  assetPrefix: isProd ? 'https://cdn.mydomain.com' : '',

Next.js 会自动为 JavaScript 和 CSS 文件的加载使用 /_next/ 路径前缀,即指向 .next/static/ 目录下的内容。


  • /public 目录,这里的文件如果要配置 CDN 就要自行处理。
  • /_next/data/ 下由 getServerSideProps() 请求的页面,因为它们不是静态内容。
  • /_next/data/ 下由 getStaticProps() 请求的页面,这些是为主域和增量静态生成使用。


module.exports = {
  distDir: 'build',

配置扩展名支持,包括 next/mdx 文档增强插件,MDX 让 Markdown 步入组件时代 MDX 是一种书写格式,允许在文档中无缝地插入 JSX 代码。

module.exports = {
  pageExtensions: ['mdx', 'jsx', 'js', 'ts', 'tsx'],

配置请请求头处理,支持 i18n 国际化:

module.exports = {
  i18n: {
    locales: ['en', 'fr', 'de'],
    defaultLocale: 'en',

  async headers() {
    return [
        // does not handle locales automatically since locale: false is set
        source: '/nl/with-locale-manual',
        locale: false,
        headers: [
            key: 'x-hello',
            value: 'world',
        // this matches '/' since `en` is the defaultLocale
        source: '/en',
        locale: false,
        headers: [
            key: 'x-hello',
            value: 'world',
        source: '/blog/:post(\\d{1,})',
        headers: [
            key: 'x-post',
            value: ':post',

地址重写配置 URL Rewrites:

module.exports = {
  basePath: '/docs',
  i18n: {
    locales: ['en', 'fr', 'de'],
    defaultLocale: 'en',

  async rewrites() {
    return [
        source: '/with-basePath', // automatically becomes /docs/with-basePath
        destination: '/another', // automatically becomes /docs/another
        // does not add /docs to /without-basePath since basePath: false is set
        // Note: this can not be used for internal rewrites e.g. `destination: '/another'`
        source: '/without-basePath',
        destination: 'https://example.com',
        basePath: false,
        // does not handle locales automatically since locale: false is set
        source: '/nl/with-locale-manual',
        destination: '/nl/another',
        locale: false,


module.exports = {
  basePath: '/docs',
  i18n: {
    locales: ['en', 'fr', 'de'],
    defaultLocale: 'en',

  async redirects() {
    return [
        // this matches '/' since `en` is the defaultLocale
        source: '/en',
        destination: '/en/another',
        locale: false,
        permanent: false,
        source: '/post/:slug(\\d{1,})',
        destination: '/news/:slug', // Matched parameters can be used in the destination
        permanent: false,
        source: '/with-basePath', // automatically becomes /docs/with-basePath
        destination: '/another', // automatically becomes /docs/another
        permanent: false,
        // does not add /docs since basePath: false is set
        source: '/without-basePath',
        destination: '/another',
        basePath: false,
        permanent: false,

配置 Webpack:

// Example config for adding a loader that depends on babel-loader
// This source was taken from the @next/mdx plugin source:
// https://github.com/vercel/next.js/tree/canary/packages/next-mdx
module.exports = {
  webpack: (config, options) => {
      test: /\.mdx/,
      use: [
          loader: '@mdx-js/loader',
          options: pluginOptions.options,

    return config
module.exports = {
  webpack: (config, { buildId, dev, isServer, defaultLoaders, webpack }) => {
    // Note: we provide webpack above so you should not `require` it
    // Perform customizations to webpack config
    config.plugins.push(new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/\/__tests__\//))

    // Important: return the modified config
    return config

配置 React Strict Mode

// next.config.js
module.exports = {
  reactStrictMode: true,